麵包店員「這樣切貝果」惹毛全美國人 引網友熱議切法:我要瘋了
2019年04月01日新鮮出爐的貝果,加上滿滿的餡料,一口咬下去超滿足!切開貝果夾餡料是一件很簡單的事,似乎不應該有爭議。但美國密蘇里州聖路易(Saint Louis)一間麵包店的店員,卻因為特別的切貝果方式,惹怒了全美國人。
▼一名叫Alek Krautmann的網友上班途中去麵包店買貝果,他發現店員將貝果切成一片一片,而不是從中間一分為二。
Today I introduced my coworkers to the St Louis secret of ordering bagels bread sliced. It was a hit! pic.twitter.com/XNGbljtpYz
- Alek Krautmann (@AlekKrautmann) 2019年3月26日
is this anti-semitism because it sure feels like it https://t.co/7hbFUn0hgx
- julian?? (@_oygevalt) 2019年3月27日
I'm going to lose my fucking mind this should be a goddamn felony why the FUCK would you do THIS I'm literally furious and I want to call the fucking SWAT team https://t.co/zs5pmXVxfa
- hi I'm barbra where's the microwave (@doctorhotsauce_) 2019年3月27日
I believe this is a Class A felony in New York City. And if its not, it should be. https://t.co/ngbbPFvnya
- Justin Brannan (@JustinBrannan) 2019年3月27日
Thank you for reporting this crime, but we only serve New York City, where this would NEVER happen. https://t.co/dNCyX56svk
- Chief Dermot F. Shea (@NYPDDetectives) 2019年3月27日
On behalf of the New York Delegation:
St. Louis, fuhgeddaboudit. https://t.co/zGvFRfBfJ0
- Chuck Schumer (@SenSchumer) 2019年3月27日
sell st. louis back to france https://t.co/DTDYNRd8eJ
- Walter Hickey (@WaltHickey) 2019年3月27日
This is not a thing, I swear, please don’t nuke St. Louis
- Rebecca Boyle (@rboyle31) 2019年3月27日
I’ve lived in St. Louis for 14 years and this is the first time I’ve ever seen this nonsense.
- Nacho (@sabema11) 2019年3月27日
Bagel comes from the Old High German boug meaning "a ring." Please cut accordingly.https://t.co/vsZBhmpIIQ https://t.co/sgxXZIr9yU
- Dictionary.com (@Dictionarycom) 2019年3月27日
Today we're eating our cookies St. Louis style❗ pic.twitter.com/P8SjWRrHDX
- Chips Ahoy! (@ChipsAhoy) 2019年3月27日